About Me

I am a college student at American University

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The benefit of a BloG

I do think there are many benefits to having a blog. Not only getting to express your ideas and having a place to say what you want, but because it is a space that you own. Not really... Blogger.com owns it... but it gives the user a feeling of owning something.

To tell I cool story, a close friend of mine got the opportunity awhile ago to start her own blog on Myspace. She interacts with kids around fifteen and tells them what college is like, makes videos around campus of random stuff, and uploads pictures and is paid to do it. It is a good way for her to do something she likes to do and make some cash on the side. She blogs once of twice a day and even does things like surveys at her school (Indiana U) for high school kids to read and get excited about college. This is all through Seventeen Magazine if anyone is interested. Anyways, recently she has been getting job offers due to her good blogs and probably the fact that she has been doing this for awhile. The fact that she is a journalism major also helps... since all the job offers are within that field.

The truth is I don't think that having a blog necessarily helps you getting a job, or even boosts your resume necessarily. If you are looking for a job in journalism or are a writer... of course having a blog or publishing a book will help you. But I don't think an aspiring architect necessarily needs to create a blog. It might be better to take some drawing lessons and an extra math class or two.

However, I do think the Internet does give those competing in the job market a great opportunity to create web-pages, blogs, and even the opportunity to open a store online. But to me a blog is really a place to express your personal opinion on issues of your choice, advertise, or maybe just practice writing. I do not see it as a resume booster except for those in the field, but who knows... maybe blogging is the future of the resume.

Check out Caitlin's blog---- www.myspace.com/freshman15caitlin

The Modern Day Function of Phones

Rave CEO Roger Desai says "The phone is the primary tool for planning and organizing lives today." (From "Students' New Best Friend: 'Mosos'"

As a blackberry user, I use my blackberry more often than I use my computer or telephone. I use it for email, and I even use it to do the reading assigned to us in this class. As a result I really hate how much I use my blackberry. I find myself checking it for new messages and such all the time, and whenever I hear that "ring bing" i reach for my phone, when it is often someone else's blackberry. I use the calender function religiously, making it my primary tool for organization.

The idea of the Drift though completely freaks me out. I think adding GPS feastures is taking things too far. Of course this is just my opinion, and as cool as I think the technology is behind this tool, I think it's just taking social networking/cellular devices too far. GPS is a great tool in general, and i have made a few 911 calls in my life, and I know the police use GPS when tracing those calls, but to use GPS for networking seems like using an advance tool in a not necessary way.

I was happy to read that GPS system is making you able to opt in or out, so security will not be as much an issue, but I am sure regardless of that we will soon be reading about security concerns relating to MoSoSo phones. I really am excited to see if MoSoSo does well. I know there are probably many people really excited about it, but I think it is just superfluous and dangerous.